Olá, Carla. Fala-nos um pouco de ti.
Creio que a melhor forma de falar de mim está na badana do livro, mais ou menos assim: Nasci em 1971 (esclareço, já entrei nos quarenta). Formei-me em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas na Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, e tornei-me professora. Tenho um Mestrado em Estudos Americanos – Literatura Gótica e Film Studies. Sou doutoranda no Instituto de História da Arte, na Faculdade onde me formei. Sou, antes de mais, filha, mãe, mulher, amiga. Leitora e escritora compulsiva. Sempre. Acrescento que gosto das minhas horas sozinha, sobretudo para escrever, sou incapaz de contar uma anedota, mas de vez em quando rio até às lágrimas, sobretudo com os meus filhos. E as horas do dia em geral mal me chegam, mas o meu lema é e será sempre ‘tudo se faz’.
Quando e como começou o teu percurso pela literatura na qualidade de autora?
Quando e como começou o teu percurso pela literatura na qualidade de autora?
Começou numa altura, já depois dos 30, em que lia muita fantasia. Tive uma ideia e quis saber se conseguia levá-la até ao fim. Há anos que não escrevia nem sequer um conto ou um poema, mas escrevi em pouco tempo as cerca de 300 páginas de um romance chamado “A Senhora do Rio” que, depois de revisão, ainda há de aparecer por aí um dia. Isto foi há cerca de 8 anos e não parei mais de escrever, escrevo sempre que posso e com muita alegria.
"Alma Rebelde" foi lançado pela Porto Editora. Muitos escritores gostariam de ter o apoio de uma "grande" editora. Como o conseguiste?
"Alma Rebelde" foi lançado pela Porto Editora. Muitos escritores gostariam de ter o apoio de uma "grande" editora. Como o conseguiste?
Já tenho afirmado muitas vezes que esta publicação foi uma surpresa para mim, num momento tão difícil para apostar em novos autores, e sendo a minha primeira experiência no romance de época. De resto, decorreu da forma mais normal possível: enviei o original, por email, e segui o processo que julgo ser o habitual. Como não me conheciam, sou mesmo uma absoluta e ilustre desconhecida, quiseram primeiro saber quem eu era. Pediram-me um pequeno CV, quiseram conhecer-me pessoalmente. Falámos na Feira do Livro de 2010... Sim, foi tudo muito demorado mas, depois dessa primeira fase, muito simples. A Porto Editora tem uma excelente máquina, de maneira nenhuma me senti relegada para segundo plano por eles por ser novata. E se o que se diz sobre bodas molhadas se aplicar a lançamentos de livros, o “Alma Rebelde” vai ser um tremendo sucesso - chovia a potes!
Que conselhos darias a quem se está a lançar agora nas lides da escrita?Um: que se assegure de que o seu texto é o melhor possível antes de o enviar. Que o dê a ler a várias pessoas, ouça as opiniões, corrija muito se for preciso. Dois: que se encha de coragem e paciência para as rejeições, e sobretudo para a ausência de resposta. Há editoras que respondem ao email rapidamente, outras demoram, outras nunca chegam a responder. É o que mais custa. Talvez seja bom fazer uma pesquisa antes de propôr o original, para saber quem publica o género de original que temos, aumenta as hipóteses de ser lido. E fazer uma boa sinopse ou resumo.
Atualmente estás a trabalhar num novo manuscrito, "A Grande Mão". Podes levantar um pouco do véu e contar-nos sobre o que trata?
Que conselhos darias a quem se está a lançar agora nas lides da escrita?Um: que se assegure de que o seu texto é o melhor possível antes de o enviar. Que o dê a ler a várias pessoas, ouça as opiniões, corrija muito se for preciso. Dois: que se encha de coragem e paciência para as rejeições, e sobretudo para a ausência de resposta. Há editoras que respondem ao email rapidamente, outras demoram, outras nunca chegam a responder. É o que mais custa. Talvez seja bom fazer uma pesquisa antes de propôr o original, para saber quem publica o género de original que temos, aumenta as hipóteses de ser lido. E fazer uma boa sinopse ou resumo.
Atualmente estás a trabalhar num novo manuscrito, "A Grande Mão". Podes levantar um pouco do véu e contar-nos sobre o que trata?
Primeiro uma correção e um esclarecimento: “A Grande Mão” é muito anterior ao “Alma Rebelde”, é um texto com pelo menos cinco anos. Está quase a ir à escola. Foi um texto de que a PE gostou (ou foram simpáticos) mas que, pelo género, não lhes interessou. Julgo que talvez tenham preferido não apostar em textos de tipos tão diferentes para o mesmo escritor. É um texto de fantasia, embora essa vertente não seja demasiado marcada, e é ao mesmo tempo uma grande aventura com todas as suas características mais dinâmicas, fugas, missões e batalhas, a descoberta de capacidades e lugares mágicos, de belas amizades, amores e verdades pessoais. E de crescimento. A sinopse, creio, já diz muito sobre isto.
Que planos tens para esta nova obra?
Que planos tens para esta nova obra?
Uma vez que ela é só minha, toda minha para fazer dela o que quiser, tenciono disponibilizá-la em ebook, através do Goodreads e do meu blogue, gratuitamente mas durante um período limitado de tempo. Espero obter algum feedback (opiniões, críticas e as terríveis estrelinhas do goodreads) e, porque é um texto tão diferente do “Alma Rebelde”, saber se agrada e a quem agrada. O resto logo se verá.
E para o teu futuro?
E para o teu futuro?
O futuro... o futuro... posso responder que a deus pertence? Não? Pois. A PE tem na sua posse um original, de título provisório “A Chama ao Vento”, que aguarda avaliação e que eu gostaria muito de ver publicado. Sem ser muito pesado, é mesmo assim um texto sobre a perda e sobre segredos de família, com três épocas, três gerações como pano de fundo. Recua, por exemplo, à Segunda Grande Guerra em Lisboa, e é contado a duas vozes e em duas partes. Mais não conto. Estou também a escrever, devagar, uma outra história de época... enfim, escrevo sempre, portanto terei sempre novos trabalhos. Quais deles verão a luz do dia? Não sei.
Onde podemos continuar a seguir o teu trabalho?
Onde podemos continuar a seguir o teu trabalho?
Para além da minha página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/carlamsoares.pt), com a qual trabalho muito mal, estou no Goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5816236.Carla_M_Soares) e tenho um blogue, o Monster Blues (http://monsterblues-cms.blogspot.pt/) onde vou publicando... bem, o que me apetece!
Hello, Carla. Tell us a little about you.
I think the best way to talk about me is early in the book, more or less like this: I was born in 1971 (clarifying, I’ve joined the forties club). I graduated in Modern Languages and Literature at the Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, and became a teacher. I have a Masters in American Studies - Gothic Literature and Film Studies. I’ve also a doctoral student at the Instituto de História da Arte, at the College where I graduated. I am first and foremost, daughter, mother, wife, friend. Compulsive reader and writer. Always. Let me add that I like my hours alone, especially for writing, I’m unable to tell a joke, but occasionally I laugh to tears, especially with my children. The hours of the day usually aren’t enough, but my motto is and always will be ‘everything can be done'.
When and how did your journey in the literature begin as an author?
It began at a time, after 30’s, in which I read a lot of fantasy. I had an idea and wondered if I could take it to the end. For years I didn’t write, not even a short story or a poem, but I wrote in a short time the 300 pages of a novel called “A Senhora do Rio” which, after editing, is yet to come out one day. That's been about 8 years ago and I never stopped writing. I write whenever I can and with great joy.
"Alma Rebelde" (“Rebel Soul”) was released by Porto Editora. Many writers would like to have the support of a "major" publisher. How did you get it?
I have often stated that this issue was a surprise to me, in a very difficult time to invest in new authors, and this being my first experience in history romance. It happened as normally as possible: I sent the original manuscript by email, and followed the process that I think is usual. As they didn’t know me, I really am an absolute and illustrious unknown; first, they wanted to know who I was. They asked me a short CV, wanted to know me personally. We talked at the Book Fair 2010... Yes, everything was very slow, but after this first phase, it was very simple. Porto Editora has an excellent machine, no way I felt relegated to the background for them for being a rookie. And if what is said about weddings in rainy days apply to releases of books, "Alma Rebelde" will be a tremendous success - it was raining cats and dogs!
What advice would you give to whom is starting now in the labors of writing?
One: ensure that your text is the best possible before sending it. Give it to many people to read, listen to the opinions, edit as much as necessary. Two: fill with courage and patience for the rejections, and especially to the lack of response. There are publishers who respond to your email quickly, others take a while, and others never ever respond. That’s the hardest part. Maybe you should do some research before proposing the manuscript, in order to know who publishes what kind of genre – it increases the chances of the manuscript being read. And make a good synopsis or summary.
Currently you’re working on a new manuscript, “A Grande Mão” ("The Big Hand"). Can you lift the veil a bit and tell us what is it about?
First, a correction and a clarification: “A Grande Mão” is much older than “Alma Rebelde”; it is a text, at least, five years old. It is about to go to school, lol. It was a text that Porto Editora liked (or they were nice) but the gender wasn’t of their interest. I think that they may have preferred not to bet on so many different types of texts from the same writer. It's a fantasy text, although this aspect is not too marked; and is both a great adventure with all its more dynamic features, trails, quests and battles, the discovery of skills and magical places, beautiful friendships, loves and personal truths. And growth. The synopsis, I think, says a lot about it.
What plans do you have for this new work?
Once it's mine and all mine to make what I want with it, I intend to make it available in ebook through Goodreads and my blog, free for a limited period of time. I hope to get some feedback (reviews, critiques and the terrible Goodreads’ starts). And because it’s a text so different from “Alma Rebelde”, I want to know to whom does it pleases and if it pleases. The rest we'll see.
And for your future?
The future... the future... can I answer that it belongs to God? No? Right. Porto Editora has in its possession a manuscript provisionally named "A Chama ao Vento” ("The Flame in the Wind"), which is waiting to be evaluated and I'd like to see it published. Without being too heavy, it’s still a story about loss and family secrets, with three epochs and three generations as a backdrop. It goes back, for example, to the Second World War in Lisbon, and is told in two voices and two parts. I won’t say more. I'm also writing, slowly, another story of epoch... anyway, I’m always writing, therefore I will always have new works. Which of them will see the light of day? I do not know.
Where can we continue to follow your work?
Besides my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/carlamsoares.pt), with which I work very badly, I'm on Goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5816236. Carla_M_Soares) and I have a blog, Monster Blues (http://monsterblues-cms.blogspot.pt/) where I'm posting... well, I feel like!
Hello, Carla. Tell us a little about you.
I think the best way to talk about me is early in the book, more or less like this: I was born in 1971 (clarifying, I’ve joined the forties club). I graduated in Modern Languages and Literature at the Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, and became a teacher. I have a Masters in American Studies - Gothic Literature and Film Studies. I’ve also a doctoral student at the Instituto de História da Arte, at the College where I graduated. I am first and foremost, daughter, mother, wife, friend. Compulsive reader and writer. Always. Let me add that I like my hours alone, especially for writing, I’m unable to tell a joke, but occasionally I laugh to tears, especially with my children. The hours of the day usually aren’t enough, but my motto is and always will be ‘everything can be done'.
When and how did your journey in the literature begin as an author?
It began at a time, after 30’s, in which I read a lot of fantasy. I had an idea and wondered if I could take it to the end. For years I didn’t write, not even a short story or a poem, but I wrote in a short time the 300 pages of a novel called “A Senhora do Rio” which, after editing, is yet to come out one day. That's been about 8 years ago and I never stopped writing. I write whenever I can and with great joy.
"Alma Rebelde" (“Rebel Soul”) was released by Porto Editora. Many writers would like to have the support of a "major" publisher. How did you get it?
I have often stated that this issue was a surprise to me, in a very difficult time to invest in new authors, and this being my first experience in history romance. It happened as normally as possible: I sent the original manuscript by email, and followed the process that I think is usual. As they didn’t know me, I really am an absolute and illustrious unknown; first, they wanted to know who I was. They asked me a short CV, wanted to know me personally. We talked at the Book Fair 2010... Yes, everything was very slow, but after this first phase, it was very simple. Porto Editora has an excellent machine, no way I felt relegated to the background for them for being a rookie. And if what is said about weddings in rainy days apply to releases of books, "Alma Rebelde" will be a tremendous success - it was raining cats and dogs!
What advice would you give to whom is starting now in the labors of writing?
One: ensure that your text is the best possible before sending it. Give it to many people to read, listen to the opinions, edit as much as necessary. Two: fill with courage and patience for the rejections, and especially to the lack of response. There are publishers who respond to your email quickly, others take a while, and others never ever respond. That’s the hardest part. Maybe you should do some research before proposing the manuscript, in order to know who publishes what kind of genre – it increases the chances of the manuscript being read. And make a good synopsis or summary.
Currently you’re working on a new manuscript, “A Grande Mão” ("The Big Hand"). Can you lift the veil a bit and tell us what is it about?
First, a correction and a clarification: “A Grande Mão” is much older than “Alma Rebelde”; it is a text, at least, five years old. It is about to go to school, lol. It was a text that Porto Editora liked (or they were nice) but the gender wasn’t of their interest. I think that they may have preferred not to bet on so many different types of texts from the same writer. It's a fantasy text, although this aspect is not too marked; and is both a great adventure with all its more dynamic features, trails, quests and battles, the discovery of skills and magical places, beautiful friendships, loves and personal truths. And growth. The synopsis, I think, says a lot about it.
What plans do you have for this new work?
Once it's mine and all mine to make what I want with it, I intend to make it available in ebook through Goodreads and my blog, free for a limited period of time. I hope to get some feedback (reviews, critiques and the terrible Goodreads’ starts). And because it’s a text so different from “Alma Rebelde”, I want to know to whom does it pleases and if it pleases. The rest we'll see.
And for your future?
The future... the future... can I answer that it belongs to God? No? Right. Porto Editora has in its possession a manuscript provisionally named "A Chama ao Vento” ("The Flame in the Wind"), which is waiting to be evaluated and I'd like to see it published. Without being too heavy, it’s still a story about loss and family secrets, with three epochs and three generations as a backdrop. It goes back, for example, to the Second World War in Lisbon, and is told in two voices and two parts. I won’t say more. I'm also writing, slowly, another story of epoch... anyway, I’m always writing, therefore I will always have new works. Which of them will see the light of day? I do not know.
Where can we continue to follow your work?
Besides my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/carlamsoares.pt), with which I work very badly, I'm on Goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5816236. Carla_M_Soares) and I have a blog, Monster Blues (http://monsterblues-cms.blogspot.pt/) where I'm posting... well, I feel like!
Obrigada. :)
ResponderEliminarPor agora, já estou arrependida de me ter metido na revisão do A Grande Mão, que está a ser uma obra de Sta Engrácia, ehehehe.
as está para breve!
De nada!
ResponderEliminarQuanto à Grande Mão, vais ver que depois compensa. Também me custa a revisão e faço, no mínimo, umas dez. Há que esperar que depois compense ;-)